Friday, November 28, 2008

imperialism, accents, infatuation

How was I to know that if you look hard enough, you will see Roger Daltrey in a tub of Heinz Baked Beans? So technically that would be two things that I love from the U.K., but mainly the beans.

Before she became #1 in the dead pool
Two-fer with laughs
Another Two-fer, Holy Shit
Not the best, but you get the idea

And that's 10.

variations of the same theme

how are things on the
west coast
honda according to garp, mainly the comment section and the minimalist video

also, researching an upcoming blog, i came across this and i would be very interested in the opinions of those who read this, (all four of you), in a purely focus group sort of way. also researching means wasting time on the internet and giggling at things.

so check this out and tell me what offends you and why.

Heinz Mayo Commercial
Enjoy, it was banned after about a month in the UK.

Ad Campaign

For you James. And anyone else who has ever been near my house.

When I Grow Up In The Internet ...

Wanna Grow Up to Be ... Be a Debaser.

Debaser Video

Hide the Meat Knuckle

Sometimes language presents more of an impediment to communication than an aid. This chasm can actually be beneficial though in the advent of more stream of consciousness stories and more popularly, new genres of comedy. When you dissect a story, often times the things we remember or that tend to entertain us are varied and inscrutable. Was it the punchline, the impression of someone or the general exposition of tragic to comic/vice versa? Surprise! Onomatopoeic sound effect. So imagine the fun that can be had with the phrase meat knuckle.

To be popular, the idea of mass production/for mass consumption, common ground, memes, cause and effect, crash and burn, fadeaway James Dean style or hang on Hunter Thompson style. The fear is not selling out, but the impetus that popularity means mass appeal. American Apparel would love to be the Gap, and pretending like they dont will put them there.

That's just the way it is. We take all the input and output what we think/feel/interpret and basically poop it back and forth. Originality is pretty subjective and apparently the best way to sell anything.

Noah and The Whale - 5 Years
Noah and The Whale - Shape of My Heart

This could be induced by jumping into a pool that was 72 degrees and realizing that cold water drowning is not a good way to go.


So I still cant really express myself digitally, resizing issues, etcetra but I am trying. Here is a modification of a phone call with my friend The Anthonynaut, adapted into a holiday list of sorts.

1. Ambien will not help you in divorce court, I don't remember I was on Ambien is no longer admissible in court.

2. 15 minute time share vaginas are a great stocking stuffer.

3. The Patriot Act has yet to work in your favor by uploading your private phone calls onto I-Tunes, so any drunken/nog induced dialing - caveat emptor friend.

4. A sure fire way to end any conversation during the holidays is to mention an acquaintance's foray into an open marriage turned into threesomes and being banished to the couch, wife and husband respectively. This leads people to their own insecurities and thoughts of (in)fidelity. This makes everyone quiet so you can reach for the rolls unabashedly and enjoy the silence for the rest of the meal. Honorable mention : For Neo-Con households especially, enthusiastically attempt to explain the concept of gender queer to the more aged/staunch Republicans in the house. Get wine drunk before you induce heart attack. Compliment the tasteful appetizer selection and then go home before your B.A.C becomes fodder for a DUI.

5. Appreciate the ritual, it only happens once a year and unless you live in a big city, the liquor stores are probably closed.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Dont Threaten Me with a Good Time

The time has come to make a blog. Hopefully an interesting and hilarifying blog of mediocre magnitude. So first will come words and then hopefully photos or videos. But I promise, no glittery gif animation, fuck that. Well, maybe a little.

Emovers: Haircut that people who think they are too avant guardian of (our) ? culture frequently sport.

At the Broken Social Scene show last night, I saw their true purpose. When scenester moves head back and forth, they occupy their hands with meticulous hair re-arrangement. Because normally they are too busy jerking it to suicide girl porn, or Noam Chomsky You Tube videos.

From R to L : IDK, Tom Waits, Generic Hipster M, Female Replicants, Half of Mars Volta, Dude from Phish or Skinny Undead Jerry Garcia, James Hetfield, Chubs Ryan Reynolds.
It was awesome.