Wednesday, February 4, 2009

a test pattern

Dylan (like in the movies),

Sometimes, I feel that giving your words, thoughts and time are the best currency to use.  When you hear them echoed, the larger "you" seems to make things like infinity and quantum physics interesting.  The idea of interconnectivity, chaos theory, barbecue and compassion.  The days are filled with longing, the desire to get it and keep it, and forgot why we lost it to begin with.
When I feel like I am so alienating that I am destined to go backwards until the Beta Max is reissued, (time is CYCLICAL), people surprise you.  I surprise myself by holding back, in spite of eyebrow manipulation to the contrary.  I guess I am too old to say things just to watch people squirm.  It is usually an accident when I do that to people I care about.  

So I guess I am thankful for tolerance and knowing that everyday you can be better.  Or you can apologize.  Or you can move on (dot org).  

Even though I dont really see you, you loom in my thoughts.  Your words, my words, Thom Yorke or Petey Pablo.  The point is ... we get it across.  And I think we get it.

I guess I we all laugh to distract or entertain.  Or to keep from crying.  Which can be funny as well.

Murray - Pete Yorn 
Pillar of Salt - Thermals
and cheers to Veronica, MGMT Kids

1 comment:

Anthony said...

When I saw Patton Oswalt, he was saying that most comedians are super-sad alcoholics whose lone joys may or may not being spending all day in a bath robe, laying on the couch and eating cheetos and root beer and then creeping out of their cave to piss on all the things people have unjustly sanctified...but can still find it within themselves to not make a big deal about being an atheist in front of their parents on Thanksgiving.

Believe it or not, that night I laughed much harder at this other guy who was there named Josh Fadem ( OMG, that motherfucker had me crying and out of breath multiple times.