Friday, March 19, 2010

It's Been Awhile

After a series of unfortunate events was renamed as my autobiography, I have taken up writing. Actually, this is more jotting. I'll need an editor and a psychologist to properly place these thoughts. But this just spurted forth, where the blood just barely dries.

I was never a Cher Horowitz. In my future apocalyptic nightmare, quotability remains the evolutionary attribute of the cultural dinosaur. There will be the odd coelcanth, perhaps of the Brian Fuller oeuvre, but make no mistake, they will teach Mean Girls and Lost in school. Raskolnikov will disappear in the ones and zeros, a part of the mass grave of ethnic dead guys we will cease to eulogize. From stone to silicon, the 10 Commandments to infinite bandwidth, we've come a long way baby. The notebook is an appropriate name for the laptops that will replace them. By saving the environment, we reduce our literacy to the Kindle and the text message. The vinyl hipster will be replaced by the librarian, they can keep the sweaters. Instead of our dramatic fires, of which the charming villain wants to set their world ablaze, nothing but the soft radiation glow of the cathode variety will warm our hearts and softening minds. Quills replaced by pencils, replaced by keyboards to keep our fingers moving paces behind our progress. It is awe-inspiring. The stars still belong to us.

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