Saturday, December 6, 2008

the religious right now

we are reaching out and often surprised by what we find. the reflections of our own distorted values and lack of convictions, both criminal and otherwise , can be troubling to say the least. i often find myself thinking of the inherent flaw of global/local relations. the human mind does not adhere to cartography. and the human heart... pumps blood and serves a gross metaphor for the fallacy of feelings and the ocean of emotions we wade through. the intangibility of unification, it is only in the specifics that we are forced to realize the commonalities are mere formalities. the united can create more discomfort than the safety of an enemy. this obsession with wealth, appearance and minority culture only proves how much we buy into our own poorly constructed selves. The sanctimony and violence that serve as incestuous lovers to a fanatical cause can be the stark reminder that we don't share anything except language. the gulf is widening. a long walk with the sole intention of self destruction, which requires an evaluation of the structural integrity of the self. how hard does one work to destruct. how hard does one work to avoid damage at all. the essentialism of ease and drawing lines in the sand for allies that need never be called. just another night for me, with mormon mothers and icebreaker games. i learned a lot as the sun set on the postcard image of the ocean. the vastness seems to promise tomorrow faster than ever. the visible constellations and the calming repetition of the ocean meeting sand, the dance that lasts forever. it can be too much for the underdrunk, the only drunk on an energy drink joose, the most alcohol content at a gas station insulated by geography. the pre-television escape route of meeting strangers and shooting shit -- the graceful exchange of the inoffensive and well practiced jokes of the middle age, middle class, mothers on the town. no matter the zip codes, the predictability of humanity makes each and every day an exercise in both patience and pragmatism. quote, anecdote, analysis. and then it begins.

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