Monday, March 16, 2009


some people seem to have situational depression and dont do anything to remedy it. i feel that if they just knew that if they stopped looking for things that uspet them, maybe happiness would replace that. bad things will also find you, but why should anyone make it easier. oh well, it seems that no matter how much you love people, or the frequency in which you do so, destruction is so much easier. and we all love easy.

i dont expect anyone to change with me. the experiences that have led me here many would overlook or repress. i dont want to lose the people in my life that have helped me but i dont want to be stagnant because they are them and i have not myself anymore.

The world doesn't change itself. What did great expectations ever do but bore us. Good intentions and academic degrees didn't ever change our world.
The Rapture is for procrastinators. Im going up now!!

sometimes in the journey to the center or perceived center of your mind, you start to lose the baggage that often informs people "just how long you are staying, and where you have been". who am i to presume a non-linear collection of experience and imagination? it is possible for the collective unconscious to have multiple passengers arrive at different destinations. things as paradoxically fleeting and permanent as notes both musical and post it dictate the cold sobriety that we all fall into. when you have found someone who can tell the difference between a 45 and all the implications therein for violence and records, cross overs, overlaps and covers. the constant narrative of the day to day to year to nostalgia and back again in one extended saturday afternoon. the illusion of accomplishment and its whoring girlfriend, failure, shows up like bills and stds. oh if one could only be prepared for their own life and thus every body else's. until then, the lyrics and half forgotten poems of our academic endeavors serve as the possibility that maybe, just maybe, there is something more in everything and everybody is capable of learning the chorus, if not bullshiting the symbolism.

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