Wednesday, March 18, 2009

the path of discovery is littered with cigarette butts and beer bottles

the minerals in your body
that comprise your jewelry
an interesting propostion
when i brought you home
i think you felt alone
when you took me to your house
i didnt know
what to do with my hands
or that taste in my mouth
bodies-under the covers
under the bed
the words-out of my mouth
leaving my head
plan on disappointment, mark it on your calendar
coffee and beer
waking up
passing out
next to you
dinner and cable television, an empty bottle of wine
passes for a good time

i dont think this is codependency but victims never do
the chemicals...
in your body
that comprise your personality

why dont you find out for yourself- i dont understand human relationships. the bridge between hemispheres, the bering strait of the brain as it were(corpus collosum) has sutured this innate sense of self, the I, causing all kinds of reactionary thought processes based on the stimulus and interest of others beings, similarly plagued. those who "read" these blogs often why the vocabulary or obscure quasi scientific metaphors. i am this boring, even more so but right now i dont feel like journal entry year of 1992 with incomplete sentences sometimes lacking in verbs or subjects. i cant just say names, dates yield experience. last night i learned alot my life and lives of those who want to be in my life, and it was awe inspiring. perhaps exercise, lack of sleep and complete honesty in myself has yielded this radical shift in my perception of what i want and more/most importantly, how to get it. i figured out that any place i dont use my cellphone because everyone and everything i require is already present is a good indicator. i dont know about happiness, but i am beginning to understand satisfaction. it isnt sex drugs or MTV but rock n roll is integral part of it.

just sitting thinking, about what people are like at work when they are at a restaurant having a good time, what the staff will do when they get off, what the loud mouthed red necks really think and believe rather than bottom shelf tequila and sugar coming out of their pores. trusting the (in)sincerity of the things people tell me, what full disclosure is and mainly what a nice night it was to sit, distance observe life rather than be just another player with bad dialouge and a worse wardrobe.

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