Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Back, but maybe forward.

Patience and exercise. Even the most embittered of youths penning anti-pop ironic odes would have a chuckle at this. The biggest birthday, rite of passage, marred by the divorce mediation of your parents. They say there is never a good time for bad news. The more complicated the emotions, the better the reunion, right? So attorneys and ugliness re-capped with TGIFriday's never-ending unhappy hours. I think Noah Baumbach is writing that screenplay. I'll see it sans hip soundtrack and see if I feel quirky or melancholy.
We all want to feel differently, if at all. The arrival, the journey, will all go on whether or not we are present. We can make it, without having it, our clothes as dark as our moods. It was summer. It was raining. Paparazzi beats assassination to the hunch. There is no finality for the future, just a lot of no return or new management.

Not much left of mediocre, as close to interesting. In vino veritas amid the porches and Spanish moss, sunshine and whiskey changing temperatures.

Which years do you consider the ratings grabber? You know, the inevitable tumble that reaffirms the obvious..

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