Monday, December 14, 2009

No one ever accused me of being a Romantic

I found these Twin Peaks collector cards while looking for my most prized possession, which some of you may have seen(a Polaroid of a stranger with a Gonzo tat getting fucked) and it got me thinking. I have been reading so much lately in an attempt to distract myself. From what, I am not really sure. I havent been doing much. But I appreciate those that are making me want to be productive and get out of this terrible isolation I have made for myself.

In the twilight zone, my advice has no merit. The meaning is assigned by the seeker of the answer, not those that ask the question. In which case, submission accomplished. "but change is sometimes a double-bladed bitch, ... I know this has been a deciding factor whenever I wanted to make a change, but was afraid to rock my own boat....or boil my own heroin (to update the metaphor)" says the Anthonynaut.

I was going to write a treatise on the joy of being a dick, but I decided against it. It is never easy to forgive or be kind, so the doing things the hard way in this sense would be several steps in the right direction.

I am excited for the holidays, and the travel I am going to experience. Both the journey and the destination will be welcome after this year I have had.

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