Thursday, April 8, 2010

Bulk Singularity

The room fills with conditioned air. The stark white walls are great for projection. So this is "living the dream". I have an eternity of nothing to do, I should be writing. I should be happy. He is just doing what he is supposed to do. He got the degree, he got the job, he got the luxury apartment. But there was a time we used to drive for shows, liberate bullshit, have similar interests. The house contains silence along with the super cooled air. I could be wrong about everything. The days of youthful vegetarianism, recreational atheism and stylized misanthropy seem like they belonged to all the other teenagers, even though I wore them as proudly as I could nonchalantly get away with. Judge not on the content on my coffee mug, but the contents of my dirty mouth. I need a war to stand my ground, as it crumbles beneath my feet I can offer a belief. When meditating, you are supposed to relinquish worldly things. I don't meditate, but I remember working shitty jobs I could do the same thing. I would look at every person and think about them doing something mundane, like going grocery shopping, getting the mail and then less mundane, like getting their heart broken or putting a pet down. These things that are supposed to unite us: patriotism, shared sports team just offers a case for nihilism. Everyone is the same thing, but as they say, God is in the details. This Pepsi or Coke government, with a splinter cell of Fanta does not inspire me with confidence. The removal of the label of the vice is the closest we will get to understanding.

I was reading this book that mentioned the First Law of Thermodynamics applied to human thought. Naturally, the analogy of computers was made. Our unique humanity is analogous to a computer, filled with files and programs. And then one day, it will crash.

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