Thursday, April 15, 2010


I was typing in my blog address and 1st Internet Church came up. Which is strange because I was going to blog about religiousness and free will anyway. The nature and burden of choice, personal responsibility and cultural influences. I know, that shit sounds boring, but it was motivated by my roommate sounding like a neoconservative asshole last night and my head refusing to explode at the right time. And then my sister confessed she wanted to try to raise her kids with Jesus in their life. Um what... I thought my cool atheist punk rock influence would prevent this, but alas, no. I mean they have their whole lives to feel guilty and terrible about being alive, masturbating, falling in love. It is hard to keep up with the separation of dogma and fanaticism, so why taint a perfectly beautiful child with that? Granted, there could be a nice way to explain the atrocities of the Bible, I myself had a Children's version of the Bible and see how I turned out. I know the prayers to St. Francis, Serenity, Nicene Creed, Apostle's Creed, etc. I am just really irritated right now by Jeff and his bullshit Machiavellian economic endgame and his strong arm rhetoric. People are defined by choices, but don't bemoan being a white upper middle class male. You have everything and you don't have to make hard decisions.

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