Thursday, April 8, 2010

Come On Over and (Trouble)Shoot the Shit

When I was young, my mom told me everyone remembered where they were when Kennedy was assassinated. In our love of democracy and the notion of some kind of equalizer, America was hit hard by the loss of their prince. The idea of a suave, beautiful, family to rule over us, our delusions of our distant Anglo Saxon ways was powerful. That and Vietnam, here is our disillusionment in a decade. Well, I suppose in my own way, Kurt Cobain's death was that. I was too young to feel it, but I can understand why it was so painful for the generation that precedes me in time and the one I feel culturally attached to. He died in the spring, 3 days ago sixteen years past, but found today. I remember in high school I brought cupcakes for his death, in with a macabre flair only celebrated by the young. I heard Smells Like Teen Spirit in a Nike store one time and couldn't help but think so this is suicide. The reluctant voice of a generation is what all the magazines said, but it is more than that. The American notion of being obsessed and repulsed by the spotlight and the shadows cast.

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