Tuesday, January 26, 2010


I dont know what it is with me and vending machines. Tonight, just a normal night, I was downstairs helping my sister in the laundry room. We were folding clothes, shooting the shit, in the empty room. This big, cute guy comes in and puts some money in the snack machine. His Peanut M&Ms get stuck. He tries to tilt the machine, to no avail. I walk over and lend my assistance. I use my shoulder, with all the force of shutting a locked car and the glass breaks. All of it. All over me. Blood, glass, silence.

Other than that, great Popeye's filled day. Trying to figure out how to apply for a government job. Hint, trying to go postal. Right up my alley, I know.

I found this terrifying Victorian kitten e-card thing that has so far yielded hours of entertainment. I read an article about stab proof vests for the World Cup. I am reading a book about the art of killing in 20th century wars from the perspective of the soldier's and their family. I read an article about 30 hornets massacring 30,000 bees. The world is such a fascinating place. I had a great time at the Aquarium and eating vegan enchiladas, watching the Simpsons with the kids and a friend from high school.

I hope its true what they say about chicks diggin' scars. And by chicks I mean potential employers.

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