Monday, January 4, 2010

Optimism or Entitlement

If you like spray tan hookers and greasy shiny Guidos, then this is your Valhalla. You earned it.
In the course of a day, I say all kinds of funny things. It's like, yeah, I'm fucking hilarious and edgy and culture(d) like penicillin, so why are daily human interactions and personal relationships so difficult and complicated for me ... Like many of my fellow Gen 2K(Too Large)ers, I'm better on the internet. It's not so much the grass is greener or the air is cleaner, your bullshit as fertilizer, to my pesticide humor and graveyard sensibilities.
They say blood is thicker than water, which is fine unless you are a part of the royal family. Hemophilia will kill you.
When you orgasm, does nacho cheese get stuck in your mustache?
If real men love Jesus, everyone else loves anal sex. For real, I am making t-shirts that say Marriage is for Faggots/Dykes whichever and want to make some sweet money while making a statement. The American Wetdream. "I want one. Can I have it in vagina pink? kthx" Well, whose vagina...
I have always felt that being filled with the Christmas Spirit, or Christ's love means either: having inappropriate sexual thoughts about religious(imaginary) figures, a precursor to a DUI/Court TV debut. I wasn't born cynical, but I did grow into it.
"with a fistful of pills and jokes that ride the laugh to keep from crying line all the way to the jail cell?
bitch just called me to tell me he bought press on nails to feel like a diva
ghetto diva maybe
shit. mother fucker eating mayo sandwiches and wearing 100 dollar cologne
goddamn ghetto, bars on the windows, rims on the cars
babies on welfare, mommas in bars

"stuck in a nether world of sublime understanding about the ordinary bullshit of life and the depression one feels as they fully become an adult." Thank you.

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